De novo

    Brewed a new concoction, out of disparities in me & him. He enjoyed being a putty in my hands,playfully we fought endlessly, kneading and sculpting a unique” US” by the bygone years of scarred memoirs. Ignoring the raised … Continue reading

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बार बार

  कैदी हूँ  या आज़ाद ये तो मौत ही बताएगा , हर एक पल सताया तूने, (  बार बार धड़का ,ये जिद्दी  दिल रुकने की उम्मीद लेकर …) बार बार हारी कुछ हसीं लम्हों के खातिर दुनिया के तमाशे में अकेले ही डूबी तेरे दर की तलाश में… (बार बार धड़का ,ये जिद्दी  दिल, रुकने की उम्मीद  लेकर …)

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A big ?


Intrusively I strolled down,

my eyes wide open,to fathom

the secrets of my mere existence(A big?).

Astir streets,insane minds,

ardently advertised the

conspiracies in the name of  a “GOD”.

Being smitten by this fantasy,

my mind swayed ,selfishly

to bargain “my share of affluence”.

Activated as an imitator for

the prelims of mortality.

Was I predestined or a gaffe

in the hands of destiny?

Challenged in this race of

eternity,I admired mortality

as a souvenir,as your arbitrator

couldn’t convince the baffled.

Kidnapped by my thoughts,

A big? erupted over again

shuddering my conviction.

Am I an atom in a new thought strain,

awaiting to infiltrate the sect

infested legion…?












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A revelation or a hallucination

unknown to humanity, mortals

danced on the delusional wisdom

relayed from an unknown source

(They vowed to serve “HIM” beyond their grave).

Humanness draped in fear

brawled perpetually,

(to please the mighty),

greed engulfed the conscience,

as they longed for “The Wonderland”,

fashioned to disown the “NOW” ,they

washed their souls in “Infidels blood”.

Who filled the bill,the sane or the insane?

(Or was it  their “HE” from the land of Utopia?).











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Lusty turf

Her wrinkled hands touched the rusted strings of an old guitar,slivered chords rumbled creating unsung melodies. A graveyard bloomed in festivity, daffodils carpeted the ground, as lusty turf  greedily awaited to replay the games of bodies. In denial  spirits gazed in … Continue reading

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This gallery contains 1 photo.

Deep down in the dark closets of my bleached instinct,you are the only reminiscence prevailing within . Unbounded my soul contently rests in the complexities of our sacrament. As a rudimentary affection i brew in  reflecting on you. Not to perish further by … Continue reading

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Cocoons of lame minds

brooding invariably,in

this fragmentary world

of you and me,I saw them

alive amid the bubbles

of pulsating sanctuaries.

Deep sighs averted them

from suffocating within

the wrap of covetous emotions.

Blazing eyes  endured  swaddled

to peddle into portions of Kismet.

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Rubble trouble

Idly  sat with a hypnotizing

smile amidst the rubble trouble,

unshaken by the bawl of

the panicking crowd, neither

by the frenzy earth,enlightened.

Silent prayers of  the poor

animals heard eventually

at the alter for blood sacrifice,

were God’s bribed in crimson

since decades for human prosperity.

Undeterred by the trouble,still they

lit a lamp wiping the blood spilled

during the holy human sacrifice

by the nature, to please the unknown,

belief’s  conned again in fear and greed .

Valiantly she gathered the intact

bricks and rocks to erect her castle

of clouds over the wobbly terrain

filled with rickety bones of left over

after the creepy crawly’s mega-festival.

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Entwining  into a

fragmentary  essence,

at a juncture in time,

She met herself under

the scorched branches

of an oak tree,torrid

sun at it’s glory,wrathfully

blinding the stretch.

Earth  whirled  draped red,

molten sands anticipated for

drizzles of ethereal grace,

transmuting into a Canaan.

Converging the scattered

trails of today into worthy

harvest for the morrow.

She concealed in hope.

under the ailing milieu.

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After world of delusion

Floating in the crude waves

With a vigor to shatter the

walls of ambiguity,as animus

shoots infested a garden of Eden.


Colors and radiance of amore

drained in the porous chambers

of  flesh and blood,as demons

fought with angels to relish the prime.


Mortals ambushed to take a dip

in the holy crimson as a trail to

salvation,dancing merrily all

anointed to the after world of delusion(deception).

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Gay marriages

Irish has created the history by approving gay marriages through a popular referendum,joining other countries in this row.We could read hundreds of articles about some saying yes and others disagreeing.This is a sign churches and many other religious institutions were … Continue reading

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Amidst million apprehensions, endless joy within me billowed on a wild journey. Jubilantly i  took the ride on clouds, enshrouded by a haunting caress amidst the misty range, merging breaths spotted the untold.   Enliven with a dewy kiss, immersed … Continue reading

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Aruna Shanbaug

Yearning to unite with her profound love

She nurtured the dreams of a world full of

love,happiness and her sweet family.

A woman with strong will power,Aruna

aspired to reach the highest pedestal.


But destiny had a crooked plan, on

the gruesome night of Nov 27th 1973

her cards of luck were burned down to ashes.

When Sohanlal Walmiki’s,turned a devil,

chocked Aruna ,the little angel in white,

by a dog chain,sodomized,burgled and

left in a pool of blood to die unnoticed.


No medicine nor God brought her back to

normal life,as was paralyzed below neck,

lost her vision permanently,lived 42 years

of a precious life in a vegetative state.

Abandoned by her eternal love and relatives.

Conceded as a captive since that night of tragedy.


The culprit escaped by 14 years of imprisonment

without any charges of rape or attempted murder.

Shame on judiciary that no records of the criminal

was maintained,thus he enjoying a normal life in the

suburbs of the capital city in peace disguised as a sheep.


Every second of her life was a torture,awaiting for

help by two to turn,to get fed,washed or dressed in

bed ,her body locked down slowly,her hands and legs

contracted ,nails dug into both palms,still in agony

at times she smiled, staring into vacant space vaguely.

Suffered each day for 42 years to leave that crippled body.


Eventually,mercy was bestowed by the nature

relieving from her grave agony of being a prisoner

in her own body,but Aruna’s life bought the gift of

passive euthanasia to those with chronic ailment.

Was justice given to her by the law or god ?

I smile in tearful eyes to hear her demise,praying

no one should get a life like her anymore.



( My tribute to Aruna Shanbaug ,who suffered 42 years in darkness, paralyzed and muted in a vegetative state.Eventually, many people will get justice unlike Aruna as passive euthanasia is legal now in India.Hope one day the moronic male chauvinist of India will see women with respect not as a toy.).

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“A haven of aces”

Untold tales concealed

with in the dark chambers

of an insane mind,her eyes

awaiting to overflow in bliss.


In the loop of night,fuming

emotions flowed out as

a turbulent river into the

vastness in exuberance.


Untamed seasons blossomed

in this condensed cycle,a haven

 of aces,out of commotions,

elegance cascaded in serenity.


She orbited within this vortex

from dawn to dusk,existent crudely

rejoicing in her unkempt frame,

devotedly she lurked into the murk.


Fairies embellished her sculpted frame,

 with exotic jeweleries and goblins

perfumed her from extrinsic floral

extracts,evolving her into an astral princess.




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Electronic cells

The saddest part in current time is we are like zombies in the techno jungle strolling in apprehension within a bubble of joy.We all seems to be blind,deaf and muted.What echoes  around is the flashing lights and buzzing quantum texts.Many busy in increasing the number of followers ,likes and a run for innumerable posts from the invisible mysterious library of the cyberspace.From my experience many of the essays are rarely read,due to the lack of patience,with title the content will be scrutinized and remarks will be written according to the input from the intellect.The article about child sexual abuse will be interpreted merely by the picture as over usage of computer by a child.

Is this the real way for happiness?Where are those days were a child used to play sand castle,pluck flowers,run behind a butterfly or dragon fly.Catching fishes,climbing trees,enjoying a game of cooking,cop and thief and unlimited number of child hood games are seen rarely as kids busy downloading games,playing online games and hooked to this wireless device 24×7.Do we want  this as the future generation ?Or Could we mold our self to bring the change from this new techno evolution?

As a parent it is possible for us to balance our thoughts and actions,as we are going to transfer same to our kids.Technology shall not be avoided but used according to the needs shall be cultivated as a daily part of our life.These social medias are an obsession and might be created with good motives but any thing is excess is poisonous.Any one addicted would say,i don’t use net but if one is constantly observe self,you could rule out self ,if anyone  spending more hours on net browsing on topics of interests,blogging or socializing through chatting rooms are having this disorder.It does not need intoxicating drugs,it’s like gambling.It’s considered as a disorder called Internet Addiction or computer addiction disorder.For which treatment is available in many hospitals.

How can we save ourselves and our kids from this disorder ?This shall not be ignored,these are the very few simple activities to do which will surely keep one detached.If you try to abstain for a ten days ,your longing for the net will be deficient try to do these which was very helpful for me.Here are five ways to be free from these electronic cells.

1)Involving with the nature.

The simplest way to keep distracted from the distractions of the net is get involved with your local nature conservation group,as nature nurtures us, so in this way we can conserve  nature and promote wildlife.A way to live happily for the future generations of planet earth.

2) Use time wisely

A disciplined life helps you to pave the foundations to stay content,peaceful and happy.Engage more in outdoor activities with your family,going for a walk,playing in the park,enjoying a sunny or farm holiday,instead of going to a restaurant have a family day were everyone cooks for the day or reading stories,enjoying a movie or going out together for shopping and many more ideas one can find to stay connected with each other.Never forget to have daily family talk time, with all the members involved, while enjoying a meal.Every one can’t gather at once so plan your time with the family before kids go to bed,the best will be supper time.


Take initiative to submit oneself involving your family in those sections of society who really need your help.Volunteer your time to bring smile to the neglected elderly,living in solitude or in nursing homes or kids with intellectual disability.People affected with Alzheimer would be delighted to meet someone new to talk and interact,despite of memory loss.Kids would learn the significance of life by seeing the realities and listening to the stories they want to say.


One can abstain completely from the social media but in the current world it’s really hard as many information we get easily from the net.So have a particular period for your online activity not more than 3 hours and try not to use net daily unless it’s really required.It sounds weird but it’s true,try it initially for 10 days then take a break of one or two days and try to be offline for another 10 days,eventually the result will be visible.Stay away from chat rooms which is really beneficial unless it’s really required.

5) Determination

Realize and acknowledge the problem as no one can rescue yourself except you.So determine to focus on balancing the mind and to set an example for your kids who will be leading the world in the future.Let’s free this fickle mind and be free from the shackles of electronic cells.



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M 7.9,April 25th 2015

Woman in a tent in Kathmandu, Nepal (27 April 2015)

After watching a Bollywood movie Krrish 3 on Saturday night,we were shocked to read the tragic earth quake that shook the entire Nepal,it’s tremors had created havoc in northern parts of India,Tibet and part’s of China.I had a strong feel within me as it could not be a natural earth quake as a result of  Krrish3 impact.My husband and daughter soon seems to be agreeing with my mental picture as in past, i read about alien visitation and they having bases amidst Himalayan ranges. Some tourists had captured the following footage,which went viral in the year 2013.Here is the link attached  and

In the first video a man ascertains his theory about this earth quake, M 7.9 on April 25th 2015 as not natural,using a seismological graph,he is describing how in an event of a natural earth quake the waves will appear ,were he claims 99% it’s not a natural earth quake,but a sudden hit without forewarning and even the animals didn’t reacted before the calamity,which is very unusual.And in the second video,people were looking at the distant lights and chanting mantras,for me it appeared to be some lights from a space ship.Even though,I haven’t seen a spaceship but my image of it is developed from the real video footage of spaceships captured by people around the world. I was surrounded by millions of questions like,could this earth quake happened due to alien war,whether our guardians are safe?,why this war for ?etc,. My husband even though a conservative Hindu seems to be satisfied by my frenzy thoughts at this point.


An injured boy is taken to a ward inside a hospital after an earthquake in Siliguri.
Credit: Reuters

Nepal was like a toy in the hands of nature tossed and crushed mercilessly,all walks of the lives from upper to lower class died suffocating.For me, all morality stood still as the ruthless dance of the mother earth in silence taught me a new lesson.Equally rejoice in birth and death,live careless about the death,enjoying every bit of life,respect the fellow inhabitants on planet earth,we equally share the space Mt.Everest or any river,valley  does not belongs to  any religious groups,see them as historical sites and preserve the nature. Death toll still on rise and many injured and homeless.Even after many countries have joined their hands in the relief activities,still its incomplete as the whole country was shaken by the fury of God or war between aliens or some mysterious cause.But we shall join hands and donate money and time to those who are affected by this major catastrophe.My salutation to all who were present physically  in Nepal and shouldering the responsibilities without any name or banner as well as to all who are contributing  in their own little ways.I found this link about how people like me could help by donating $1 a month in rebuilding Nepal

Warm regards

Piusha Singh.

Picture Courtesy to: &
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